Thursday, 30 December 2010

Morning runner

Day:        11
Distance: 6.13 km
Time:       37:05 secs

Picture the scene: I'm out for a friend's 30th Birthday celebrations. Celebrations include numerous beers, a Brick Lane curry and banter. We'd started particularly early as friends were over from Canada, so it seemed to be quite late in the day when Jim texted at 8:33pm to enquire as to whether I fancied going for a run the next morning. As a sign of my dedication to marathon training (and possibly of my inebriated state) I immediately texted back in the affirmative. What Jim hadn't told me in the first text was that, because he had to go to work the next day, we'd be starting at 7:30am ...

Cut to 7:08am this morning and I was woken up by another text from Jim asking if I was still up for running. My thumb hovered for a long time over the keypad on my phone before I replied to say that I would indeed be joining him. One bottle of water later and I felt ready to venture out into the still dark streets, I whispered a few apologies in the general direction of my wife in case I woke her up whilst getting ready and went out to meet Jim.

The most difficult thing was getting up, but once I was up I really enjoyed the run and felt pretty good about myself for actually doing it as well. Any signs of a hangover from the previous night's celebrations quickly disappeared. At this point, I must offer an apology to my fellow London joggers as two people surprised the hell out of me by saying hello as we crossed paths. I think that's the first (and second) time that has happened in the time I've been running in London.

As I walked back into the flat I was greeted by my wife calling out "enjoy your run?", or at least that's what I assumed she'd said. In  fact, I hadn't woken her up at all on the way out. Instead I woke her up on my way in, but she thought that I was just about to head out for a run at 8:15, hence she'd actually told me to "enjoy your run". At least someone got a lie in ...

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