Sunday, 30 January 2011

Friday night, Saturday morning

Day:        41
Distance: 7.64km
Time:       42:09 secs
Calories:  606

When thinking about writing this post I had "Friday night, Saturday morning" by the Specials running through my head. In particular, the lyrics "I like to venture into town/I like to get a few drinks down" and chorus which repeats the simple line "I go out on Friday night and I come home on Saturday morning" capture, pretty accurately, my Friday night. You may recall that previous Friday nights have seen me going for a run while others have been hitting the pubs and clubs of this fair land. However, you may also recall that 'Lent' is now over and as this Friday came at the tail end of January it gave me the opportunity to meet up with some of my "best good friends" (to quote Forrest Gump) and enjoy some good company, good banter, good beer and a red hot curry on Brick Lane.

Like Terry Hall in the aforementioned song, I came home on Saturday morning. Unlike Terry Hall, I had to get up at 8:30am, with a somewhat fuzzy head, in order to head out for a 40 minute run at 'easy' tempo. As I was running solo I was listening to my running playlist and, as I've mentioned before, it's just not designed for runs of this nature. I started the playlist off with Frank Turner's "The Road", which whilst not exactly plodding isn't a Ramones-esque thrash either. The tempo picked up markedly on the next song when Funeral Party's massive 2010 single "NYC Moves to the Sound of LA" kicked off with its infectious blend of bass and cow bell - this, ladies and gentlemen, is not a song you can run slowly to. Don't believe me? Listen for yourself.

I think this run has finally convinced me that if I want to listen to music whilst running (which I do) these 'easy' runs I'm going to have to set up another, slower playlist. I still want quality music that I enjoy listening to, but I'm going to have to tone down the distorted guitars and find songs with fewer beats per minute.

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