Saturday, 19 February 2011

Slow show

Day:         61
Distance: 7.46km
Time:       45:24 secs
Calories:  615

I'm only going to be able to fit four out of the five specified runs in this week. In theory, I have the choice between either "50 mins 10 mins steady 30 mins tempo 10 mins steady" or "45 mins steady". However, because of the difficulties I had with Wednesday night's run I instead choose to do the "45 mins easy" that I skipped past on Tuesday.

I wouldn't normally go for the easy option, but I think it makes sense in preparation for Sunday's 2.5 hour long run that I have scheduled. Also, it gives me another chance to immerse myself in the National's glorious "High Violet" album. Apologies for mentioning them again, but it would appear that it's something I'm doing on a regular basis as I asked a friend at work recently whether I'd recommended listening to the National and her response was "only about three times a week". Oops.

As I've said before, the album is the perfect pace and length for a run of this nature and you need only compare the distance covered today with that from Monday's run (8.38km) to see that it helped me to run at an 'easy' pace. Somewhat ironically, it's not always that easy to run 'easy', especially when you have a pathetically competitive nature like I do.

While I'm quite happily running round at a deliberately slow pace (6.05 mins/km, if you're interested) there are other joggers out and about and on one occasion one of them absolutely flies past me. Now, part of me (let's call it the 'wounded male pride' part of me) desperately wanted to put my foot down and sprint past just to show him that I'm not some dawdling idiot. Thankfully, I went with the other (logical) part of me when I remembered that this was no race, that the slower tempo was intentional and that it was, in any case, for the greater good of my marathon training.

Anyway, I reckon that this slower run plus a rest day tomorrow should mean I'm absolutely raring to take on the 28km route I've plotted for Sunday's run. I enjoyed last week's London sightseeing tour so much that I've devised a new one for this week. I'm really looking forward to it.

Right, by way of a conclusion to this post I thought I'd leave with another music video from the National. I've posted up a couple of songs from "High Violet" in the past couple of weeks, but it seems to me that this song from their 2007 release "Boxer" is more appropriate for today. I honestly hope you enjoy it, because you can guarantee I'll be talking about this band some more before this marathon training is done.

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