Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The National's anthem

Day:         86
Distance: 5.02km
Time:       32:06 secs
Calories:  385

The 12 week training guide is over, but I can't go cold turkey just yet so I find myself following the guide for my mid-week runs in Week 13. The first run of the week is "30 mins easy". I complained about this a while back saying that it didn't feel long enough, but after completing 22 miles at the weekend I'm more than happy to do it this time. My thighs were still on fire on Monday (2 days after the long run, lest we forget) so I leave it until Tuesday night before stepping out for half an hour.

A little while back it seemed that I was mentioning the National in just about ever post on this blog. In fact, I was mentioning them so frequently that my wife issued a cease and desist order for a minimum of three posts. By my reckoning I haven't mentioned Brooklyn's finest purveyors of American alternative rock round these here parts since 21st February so I make no apologies whatsoever for welcoming them back to Running on Empty. As I mentioned in previous posts their last album "High Violet" is perfectly suited to an 'easy' pace as all the songs are both wonderful and similar tempos. So, it is with joy in heart that I set out with the sound of album opener "Terrible Love" in my ears. I'm pretty sure I haven't posted this song up before, so it gives me great pleasure to do so now.

At just 5km in length I think that this is the shortest run I've recorded so far on this blog. Usually that would make me feel as if I'd taken my foot off the gas (if you'll excuse an Americanim), but 30 minutes seems appropriate after completing the longest pre-marathon run at the weekend. The only real downside is that because "High Violet" weighs in at 45 minutes plus I wasn't treated to its full majesty. Having anticipated this I was able to skip some songs to ensure I got to listen to the stirring album closer "Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks". If only there were a way for me to plan my actual running playlist so that this song was playing as I cross the finish line on 17th April I think it would feel even more special.

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